This customer’s high quality media and diagnostic products are used in clinical, industrial, research, and academic laboratories. Verified FDA compliance is a necessity. The project objective was to improve reliability of process data collection and expand reporting capabilities.
Pressure and temperature data is collected from the local plant and seven plants in other states for each run cycle of equipment such as autoclaves, evaporators, freeze dryers and kettles. The previous system consisted of a PC-based HMI that displayed only trends of the variables per cycle.
The new system architecture consists of redundant HMI servers running Wonderware InTouch, a dedicated Wonderware Historian server, and highly reliable redundant Kepware I/O servers that route PLC-generated data from the LAN/WAN to the Historian. An intranet website driven by MS SQL Reporting Services lets users generate reports. Features include:
The new Wonderware HMI replaced existing obsolete HMI applications at the local plant. The Wonderware Historian continuously stores data as equipment cycles are completed so that any report or trend can be regenerated at any time.
Since communications are the vulnerable point-of-failure when gathering data across the country, GCS implemented a custom system to immediately notify a failure via email. A major challenge was vetting the vast number of reports. The project team verified that pdfs were sent to the server, printed, and contained accurate data, and that the start/stop triggers functioned as programmed.
Temperature and pressure data from plants in eight states is collected and stored for each equipment cycle.
Plant personnel can access scheduled reports, generate on-demand reports and make SQL queries.
The intranet reporting website can be accessed using any web browser.
Reports, communication faults and process alarms can be distributed via email.